I took some time and sat down with Miss Bonnie, who is an Astrologer and Clairvoyant Medium. She had a few things to say about what is in store for 2009.John Russell: Miss Bonnie, for starters do countries have astrological charts and if so, how are they developed?Miss Bonnie: Astrologers have a sort of bible called an ephemeris. It tells us the positions of all the planets and any given time or place, past, present, and future with exact degrees. Like a science. Every chart has 12 houses and each house carries a flavor or aspect of our lives. If we want to focus on finances and the future, we look to the second and eighth houses in the chart. If we know where the planets are and what kinds of impacts they have on the houses, then we can layout future trends.JR:So what do you see charted for the US in 2009?MB: The birth chart for the US is based on July 4th, 1776.The second house represents personal finance. It would refer to America’s budget and how it gets spent. The eighth house represents loans and money that is returned or comes back into the coffers.There is a moving away from deceptive spending in the second house. Much of the deceptions will already be front page news even as the year begins. Everyone will become aware of many well kept secrets and these will continue to be exposed.For the eighth house things look to be improving on the side of loans being paid back and loans being made available. Banks are strongly emphasized here with much potential growth and controversial management shakeups with secrets coming out. By April we should see some real progress as Jupiter moves into Aquarius and we all start to get along better. Some of the pessimism needs to be wrung out of everyone and people need to hang together.JR: What does the future look like for the markets?MB: Keep in mind the stars don’t compel, they impel. The choice is always up to us. If we like what we see, we keep doing what we’re doing in the market. If we don’t like it, we have to adjust or we will surely be adjusted.JR: What are the strengths for 2009?MB: America will be returning to her old values and old ways. Truly coming full circle and back to the time where our forefathers worked as a team. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be conflict. But things with be done with more honor and integrity and egos will be placed aside for the higher good.The US will experience a resurgence of respect and come into full empowerment as master or mistress of her own destiny as a world power.Nuclear power will serve as an energy source rather than as a weapon.JR: Can you summarize in a nutshell where we are going in 2009?MB: America will return to her motherhood mode and begin to take care of her own home and children and place them above the rest.End of Interview Forex TranslationMy take on this information is that if things are really heading this way for the US, it means a continuation of the return of the US dollar strength against everything. It’s hard to imagine this coming true so easily after terrible mismanagement by the US government and all of the borrowing that has taken place in 2008. Economically, someone has to pay for that, and it won’t be pretty. However, the US dollar seems to be heading up anyway. If Miss Bonnie is right, it looks like that will be the trend to play for 2009.
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